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June 17, 2023

The International Conference on “Sports Innovations and Good European Practices” which took place on 16th of June in Sofia, Bulgaria, showed groundbreaking projects and discussed opportunities for their implementation throughout the European Union. The event was organized by the Association Sport Club “Comac Sport,” within the project “Come & Play 4.0” (EAC-2020-0745), co-funded by EAC/S09/2020…

May 13, 2023

The international conference “Sport and Non-Formal Education”, organised by the Association for the Development of Bulgarian Sport within the framework of the Sport and NFE initiative, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, took place on 12 May 2023 at the House of Europe in Sofia. Mihail Balabanov, Executive Director of the Centre…

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"Sports Club Comac Sport" is a non-profit association located in Sofia, Bankya district.

The sports team of the association has been conducting various sports activities for more than 4 years with young people and students who have demonstrated sports achievements from a number of schools in Sofia and the district.

Over the years, the sports club has gained valuable experience in the field of non-formal and formal education and has established a fruitful cooperation with the Private Elementary School “Tsar Simeon Veliki” in the village of Ivanyane. As a result, the sports coaches and teachers, who work mainly with young people, have been able to apply a new approach of “learning through sport” and integrate non-formal education into the sports activities they conduct. Thus, through sports, trainees develop not only physical activity and resilience, but also knowledge and skills.

In its activities, the club is guided by the European Union’s core strategic vision of sport as a key tool to promote social and personal principles and values such as: team spirit, discipline, perseverance and fair play, as well as to increase the knowledge, motivation and skills of active citizens.

The club regularly participates in the European Week of Sport, both in Bulgaria and abroad, as well as being a coordinator and partner in a number of European initiatives and projects.

Considering the above, the activities of the COMAC Sport Club are aimed at:

  1. Organizing, supporting and conducting sports events in football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, tennis, badminton, mind sports, martial arts, etc.;
  2. Promoting the enhancement of physical and sports culture among its members;
  3. Development and promotion of physical education and sports;
  4. Working to preserve and stimulate the creative interests and develop the creative potential of its members;
  5. Developing high sportsmanship in its members;
  6. Participation with its athletes individually and as a team in national, European and international events and membership in national sports federations and associations for various sports;
  7. Highlighting and promoting the importance of sport for the health of its practitioners.

Based on its activities, the Association “Sports Club COMAC Sport” organizes and provides targeted physical education and follows a rich sports program to improve the health, abilities and skills of its members.

The association encourages youth activity to enhance individual physical fitness and social inclusion. In its work, the club is guided by the idea that both formal and informal education can be supplemented with sport and sport training methods. In this way, physical activities and sport can support skill building and development among youth. The innovative methods of education through sport (so-called ETS – Education through Sport) applied by the “Sport Club COMAC Sport”, provide an excellent opportunity for learning, by carrying out enjoyable activities for skill acquisition and physical exercise, based on active participation and involvement. Bringing young people together through the universal language of sport leads to remarkable learning outcomes that club members are likely to integrate and use in other aspects of their lives.

COMAC Sport Club is successfully implementing the Erasmus+ projects, which are: European Dimension in Sport and Physical Activity with Adolescents [613355-EPP-1-2019-1-BG-SPO-SSCP]; InnoSkills through Sport [621999-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-SPO-SSC]; Come and Play 4.0 [EAC-2020-0745].

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