The Association Comac Sport Club “Comac Sport” is preparing to visit ten villages in the southwest region of Bulgaria as part of the project “Come and Play 4.0” (EAC-2020-0745) co-funded by the EU. The sports club is part of the Educational Complex “Tsar Simeon Veliki”, which includes the Private Kindergarten “Rositsa”, the Private Primary School “Tsar Simeon Veliki”, the Private High School of Science and Entrepreneurship “Assen Yordanov”, and the Training Centre “Tsar Simeon Veliki”.

The new sports program aims to promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among three target groups: young people, parents with children, and people aged 60 and over in areas characterized by low socio-economic development, mixed ethno-religious composition, and geographical remoteness. The program will be presented at 10 different venues. As part of this initiative, Comac Sport Club is inviting local institutions and organizations that promote healthy lifestyles among the population. The sessions will be enjoyable and interactive, with the goal of making physical activity an essential part of everyone’s routine.

The demonstrations will involve athletes and coaches who will create a safe and supportive environment for families to exercise and socialize. In addition, 3D demonstrations will facilitate participants’ understanding of the exercises through visual explanations.

The new sports program aims to leverage the opportunities presented by Industry 4.0 to increase the popularity of sports among young people. Additionally, it seeks to showcase the advantages of digitalization to adults. The 3D images will comprehensively cover the new sports program, providing easy-to-follow steps, visual explanations, and opportunities for repetition.

Look out for us between March 20th and March 31st as follows:

– Yakoruda -20. 03. 2023;

– Belitsa – 21. 03. 2023;

– Ribnovo – 22. 03. 2023;

– Garmen – 23. 03. 2023;

– Gotse Delchev – 24. 03. 2023;

– Blagoevgrad – 27. 03. 2023;

– Hadzidimovo – 28. 03. 2023;

– Satovcha – 29. 03. 2023;

– Dospat – 30. 03. 2023;

– Sarnitsa – 31. 03. 2023.

*This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication solely represents the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held accountable for any use of the information included.