On March 30, 2023, the ninth Sports Demonstration was held in the town of Dospat as part of the “Come and Play 4.0” project (EAC-2020-0745), co-funded by the EU and organized by the Sports Club “Comac Sport”. The sports club is part of the Educational Complex “Tsar Simeon Veliki”, which includes the Private Kindergarten “Rositsa”, the Private Primary School “Tsar Simeon Veliki”, the Private High School of Science and Entrepreneurship “Assen Yordanov”, and the Training Centre “Tsar Simeon Veliki”.

Some of the key aspects of the new sports program are to encourage people of all age groups to engage in active and enjoyable sports activities together. These specialized sessions were led by experts who not only presented demonstrations but also provided a safe and supportive environment for local residents to engage in sports, build connections, and socialize.

The sports programme used 3D holograms to virtually display the exercises and participants received visual explanations, enhancing the overall experience.

The demonstrations held in the town of Dospat were a huge success, with participants of all ages – including young people, families with children, and people aged 60+ – enjoying the dynamic and engaging exercises of the innovative sports program.

*This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication solely represents the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held accountable for any use of the information included.