The international conference “Sport and Non-Formal Education”, organised by the Association for the Development of Bulgarian Sport within the framework of the Sport and NFE initiative, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, took place on 12 May 2023 at the House of Europe in Sofia.

Mihail Balabanov, Executive Director of the Centre for Human Resource Development (Erasmus+ NA), prof. Krasimir Petkov, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Sports, National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski” and Denitsa Andonova, President of Mundus Bulgaria, opened the conference organised by the Association for the Development of Bulgarian Sport.

The main theme of the event was the power of sport as a learning tool and the importance of the values and skills it helps to build. The highly successful Erasmus+ programme, which focuses on the development of human resources in the European Union – the EU’s most valuable resource – was presented in detail. The innovative practice of learning through sport, which builds values-based qualities and skills and contributes to the personal and professional development of learners, was also discussed.

Dr. Mladen Lambeff, representative of the sports club “Comac Sport”, attended the event and presented one of the organisation’s current initiatives, namely the project “Come and Play 4.0” (EAC-2020-0745), which is co-funded by the EU. The aim of the project is to use Industry 4.0 technologies to increase the popularity of sport among young people, while demonstrating the benefits of digitalisation to adults. Through the use of 3D holograms, step-by-step exercises specifically adapted to three target groups (young people, families with children and people aged 60+) are presented, providing visually appealing and easy-to-understand instructions.

The sports club is part of the Educational Complex “Tsar Simeon Veliki”, which includes the Private kindergarten “Rositsa”, the Private Elementary School “Tsar Simeon Veliki”, Private High School of Science and Entrepreneurship “Asen Yordanov” and Training Center “Tsar Simeon Veliki”.

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